ChatGPT Prompts

Prompting in the context of ChatGPT refers to providing an initial input or instruction to the language model in order to guide its response. When you interact with ChatGPT, you start the conversation with a prompt, which is a sentence or a few sentences that give the model context and direction for generating a relevant response.

The quality and specificity of the prompt play a significant role in shaping the kind of response you receive from the model. A well-crafted prompt can help you get the information or response you’re looking for, while a vague or unclear prompt might result in a less relevant or coherent answer.

For example, if you want to know about the weather in a specific city, your prompt could be: “Can you tell me the current weather in New York City?”

On the other hand, if your prompt is too broad or ambiguous, like “Tell me something about the world,” you might receive a less focused or meaningful response.

Experimenting with different prompts and refining them based on the model’s responses can help you achieve the desired outcome in your interactions with ChatGPT. Keep in mind that while prompts guide the model, they don’t always guarantee perfect responses, as the model’s performance can still vary based on factors like its training data and the complexity of the task.


  • If I want to learn copywriting in 2 weeks, and my goal is to be able to write excellent copy for my e-commerce business, can you design a study schedule? What should I learn if I have 1 hour per day, 5 days a week, and I want to learn as quickly as possible?


  • Summarizing the book “Think and grow rich” give me an outline of the most important concepts.
  • Can you tell me more about autosuggestion?
  • Summarize this article and give me the key points


  • You are my digital marketing teacher. Test me on the basics of digital marketing. Ask me a question, and I’ll give you an answer. Then you give me a response. After that, ask me another question. Let’s do this 5 times.


  • I want to learn digital marketing. I am a visual learner and prefer to watch videos. Can you give me 5 resources I can use to help me learn?
  • Can you give me 5 youtube videos I should watch?
  • Can you suggest 3 forums I can learn digital marketing?
  • I am learning video editing and I’m a beginner. What exercises or projects can I work on to help me build my skills? Give me 3 simple ones I can start today.

Ask how to fail.

  • I want to learn portrait photography. In what ways will I fail? Please tell me common things that people do wrong when learning this skill.

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